The NM 444 HL equipment allows, in a constant and automatic way, to know and regulate the calibration of the tires, maintaining the predetermined cold pressure of the same, even with punctures and the vehicle in motion.
In June we will be participating in the Texas Trucking Show with our products.
The Company WWL Express, Inc has also chosen us to equip its units with the Automatic Tire Inflation System VIGIA NM344.
The Company Prestige also trusted in us and equipped its units with Automatic Tire Inflation System VIGIA NM344.
The company RedCoach trusted in us and equipped its units with the Automatic Tire Inflation System VIGIA NM344.
The company Tornado Bus has arrived to us through our distributor Gondi Logistic located in Laredo, Texas, and equipped their units with Automatic Tire Inflation...
We are present and growing in the United States, based in Houston, Texas.